How To Make Deviled Eggs with Easy Recipe

One of my favorite quick things to make is Deviled Eggs although here at our house we call them Angel Ovas. My family is very picky when it comes to deviled eggs, they don't like the paprika sprinkled on top so I omit that from my recipe. The *egg filling* must also be creamy, not chunky or they won't eat it. Since my daughter is pregnant at this time, she has really been craving eggs of all things!

Deviled Eggs Recipe

8 hardboiled eggs (shells removed)

1 Tbsp. creamy Dijon Mustard

1 tsp. yellow mustard

1/8 tsp. salt

1/4 cup lite mayonnaise

*optional* sprinkle paprika on top or add a sprig of dill

Boil your eggs until done and cool. Remove the shells. Slice your eggs in half length-wise and remove the yolks. Place the yolks in a medium sized bowl and your egg halves on a serving tray.

In the egg yolk bowl you will add in your mustards, salt and mayonnaise. Use a food processor or mixer and mix until creamy. I use my Tupperware Quick Chef to mix it as it makes it super creamy with NO lumps and only takes a few seconds to mix up.

Next, take a butter knife and spread the filling into the empty hole on your egg half and fill up all the eggs. Sprinkle with your optional topping if desired. Place on serving tray or in a container and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

Now it's time to sit down and enjoy your freshly made Deviled Eggs!

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