Mozzarella Chicken

Printable Recipe
Serves 4, depending on how many chicken breasts you use

boneless chicken breasts
bread crumbs
grated Parmesan cheese
pasta sauce
shredded mozzarella
couple T. oil

Beat the eggs, place them in a pie tin or flat plate. Mix the bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese together and place in another flat plate. Flatten the chicken breasts, dip in the egg mixture and then in the bread crumb/cheese mixture. Lightly brown the chicken breasts on both sides, in oil. Place in a greased pan. Pour pasta sauce over the top and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.

Serve with baked potatoes.

Holly's Note:
This is one of those recipes where I don't have or use precise measurements. You just use what you need. If you're only doing one or two breasts, use one egg. If you're doing more, use more. One or two chicken breasts probably only needs about 1/2 cup bread crumbs and 1/4 cup Parmesan, but I just eyeball it. It's easy to double or triple. Similar recipes are often called Parmesan Chicken, but we've always called it Mozzarella Chicken.

This is super easy and very good with baked potatoes. Even my picky eaters like it.

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