Honey Mustard Chicken

Printable Recipe

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thawed and tenderized
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup honey
2 T. mustard
1/4 t. salt

Place chicken in shallow baking pan.  If chicken is overly thick, pound it a little to flatten.

In a small bowl, combine butter, honey, mustard and salt and whisk well. Pour over chicken. Bake for 45 minutes. 

Serves 4.

Holly's Note:
My girlfriend gave me this recipe and I believe she found it at We Are EatingIt's terrific: very light, very mild.  My boys were a bit suspicious of the golden yellow color, but both admitted to liking it. I served it with baked potatoes but my husband suggested that it would be perfect simply with a salad.  I am also going to marinate the chicken next time to infuse the flavor a bit more.

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