Apple Pie

My husbands favorite and a very common dessert in American homes I thought it makes sense to post this for Thanksgiving.  My version has been inspired by quite a few recipes online and also an old better homes book.  I make the pie crust at home and I promise you its' worth your while.  Hot, flaky, buttery goodness of the crust makes all the difference to the pie.  The filling is pudding like tasting sweet, tangy and cinnamony.  Serve the pie hot topped with vanilla icecream and be sure to share your pie to see how their faces light up in awe!
Ingredients: (To make the Crust)
All Purpose Flour - 2 cups
Sugar - 1 Tbspn
Salt - 1 tspn
Butter/Cisco shortening - 12 tbspn (you could also try using half of both or just any one)  I have also tried it with 1/2 butter and 1/2 canola oil and it was just fine)
Ice cold water - 5-7 tbspn

The measurment is for a 8-9 inch pie pan.

1. Mix flour, salt and sugar.
2. Cut the butter into the flour.  Make sure you integrate the butter and flour well slowly keeping the consistency powdery and not kneading together. (If you are using all oil make sure you add 1 tbspn oil at a time wetting the dough all over)
3. Once you have incorporated the butter or oil slowly add the cold water a spoon at a time bringing the dough together which you can roll out into discs.
4. Leave the dough in the refrigerator for 1/2 hour and start working on your filling.
Ingredients: ( For Filling)
1. Granny Smith Apple - 5-6 nos (I used the red colored apple which is meant for apple pie.  The trick here is to buy only the sour green apple or the red apple meant for pie which is also slightly sour
2. Sugar - 3/4 to 1 cup
3. Cinnamon - 1/2 - 1 tspn
4. Salt - a pinch
5. Nutmeg - optional.. I made mine with only cinnamon
6. Flour - 2 Tbspn
7. Butter - 1- 2 Tbspn
1. Pear and cut the apples into thin slices
2. Mix all the ingredients together and add the sliced apples in
3. Divide the dough into two halves
4. Roll one half of the dough and line the pie pan.
5. Spoon in the filling
6. Roll out the other half of the dough and place it one top.  You could also do a lattice work on top by cutting strips of the dough and lining it up on the top.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 400 D F for 45 to 50 mins.

1. Sqeeze some lemon on the cut apples to keep it from being discolored
2. When baking a lot of juice tend to boil over and out of the pan messing the oven.  Keep a cookie sheet under the pan to make cleaning easier or even better avoiding spill over into the oven.
3. Close the edges using a tinfoil to avoid over burning of the sides.  Cut a long strip of tin foil just enough to cover only the edges...

Happy Thanksgiving to you from all at Collaborative Curry!

Contributor: Sunitha

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