I have not tasted sandesh anywhere else,just tried for the first time and tasted. With very less ingredients,you can enjoy this yummy milk sweet!! 


Source : Nita Mehta’s Cookbook


Full cream milk 1 litre
Lemon juice From 1 lemon
Water 2 tblsp
Sugar(powdered) 7 tblsp
Corn flour 2 tsp
Pistachio 2 tblsp
Green food colour few dorps




  1. Boil milk. Dilute lemon juice with water and add it to the boiling milk and keep stirring till the milk curdles completely.
    DSC_2866 DSC_2871
  2. Strain the paneer/Chhena in a muslin cloth(I used one of my dupattas). Hang it for 1/2 hour or till all the water drains. I just squeeze excess water now and then in the 1/2 hour
    DSC_2876 Sandesh
  3. Grind this chhena with sugar and corn flour in mixer until smooth.
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  4. Take a non stick pan and heat this mixture on very low heat for 8-10 mins. Take care not to change the paneer colour. I added the green colour in this stage,while heating the mixture.
    heat in pan Added colour
  5. When the mixture turns dry and thick remove from fire and transfer to a bowl. Add the powdered pistachios and the green colour.
  6. Knead well and make into desired shapes. Decorate with pistachios. Keep refrigerated till serving time.

        I just made it round and simple,you can try different moulds and even make interesting shapes!!



        • Tastes best when served chilled …
        • Adding corn flour and pistachio powder is optional. I have not tried though without those two ,but saw in another cook book without those.

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