Peachy Keen Ice Cream

Dad loved his ice cream!  I love ice cream!  It’s my favorite “food.”  I could eat it any time of the day.  I am sure I inherited this trait from Dad.  

It was a wonderful thing when Mom went to the basement and pulled out the ice cream maker on a hot summer day.  She mixed fresh fruit with milk and cream to make a custard, then placed it in the tall metal can and inserted the paddle.  Dad packed lots of rock salt and ice around it and then the hard part started ~ the hand cranking.  It was a messy experience with the melted rock salt and ice slurry that I thought was great fun!  As the crank became hard to turn, after about a half-hour, the ice cream was ready to eat.  I do it the easy way now with an electric ice cream maker!

Old way -
hand crank

                                          My way -

Peaches are great also.  Remember the other day when I made peach cake?  I bought enough peaches to make peach ice cream also.  They were excellent juicy Michigan peaches packed with flavor and perfect for ice cream.

 Cooling over ice

Here’s the recipe:

Peach Ice Cream


2 cups fresh peaches, peeled and chopped
1¼ cups sugar, divided
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons peach brandy
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 egg yolks


In a bowl, combine peaches, ½ cup sugar, lemon juice and peach brandy. 
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight, stirring occasionally.
Remove peach mixture from refrigerator and drain juice into a small bowl.
Return peaches to refrigerator.
In a saucepan, combine ¾ cup sugar, heavy cream, milk and vanilla.
Bring just to boil.
In bowl, whisk egg yolks.
While whisking, slowly stream in about 1/3 of the boiled cream mixture.
Mix well.
Continue whisking and add remaining cream mixture.
Return to the heat and cook while stirring constantly.
Mixture will thicken as it returns to a boil.
Remove from heat and strain into a bowl set over ice.
Add the reserved peach juice.
Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s directions to freeze. 
After the ice cream begins to stiffen, when almost done, add the peaches and continue to freeze until ready to eat.


Peach ice cream is the real scoop!

By the way, the average American consumes more than 23 pints of ice cream a year.  Are you the average American? 

Visit my friend, Linda’s blog, My Kind of Cooking, for the prize winning recipe at the fair and for a chance to win her great cookbook!

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