Apple Raita/ Apple Salad

   I never imagined I would eat a cooked apple  until my time in Germany proved me wrong.  It started with Apple pie, and thereafter nothing could stop me.  Next thing I know, I was experimenting with baking apples, as well as other fruits.  But then again, I never thought I would be making savory dishes with apples, until recently.  Oh Yeah! I made this simple raita for lunch and everyone, including my toddler loved it.

 It's tangy and delicious.   Very simple to make - refreshing and tasty!

Apple Raita

Two kinds of Green apples, for comparison,the Golden delicious is so sweet and the Granny Smith is tart and perfect for baking.


Garnish with mint or coriander leaves

Apple Raita


Granny Smith/Any tart Apple- 1/2, peeled and cored
Yogurt- 1 cup scant
Green Chillies- 1
Onion, finely chopped- 2 tsp
Ginger, finely grated- 1/2 tsp
Salt- to taste
Dash of lime juice (optional)


1.Finely chop the apple into small pieces.
2.Finely chop the green chillies too.
3.Whisk the yogurt in a mixing bowl.
4.Add the salt and other ingredients except lemon juice and mix well.
5.Chill,mix in the lime juice, garnish and serve.

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