I had chapati noodles for the first time in one of my cousin’s place. Then saw this recipe in Vijay Tv’s Suvai Ula. I had some left over chapathis today morning and wanted to try this and have it for lunch. I just made it the usual way I make fried rice / this one . This is sure a kid’s menu and you can give this to your kid when he come back hungry from school.



Chapati 3
Onion ,cut length wise 1
Cabbage,carrot,capsicum,cut into thin strips 1/2 cup altogether
Garlic 2 pods,crushed
Pepper powder 1/4 tsp
Sambar /red chilli powder 1 tsp
Green chilli(optional) 1
Lemon juice 1/2 tsp
Soy  1/2 tsp
Tomato/chilli sauce 1 & 1/2 tsp
Salt As needed
Coriander & spring onion,chopped 1 tblsp each for garnish
Olive oil/ any cooking oil 3 tblsp


chapati noodles


  1. Stack the chapatis and cut them first into 4 quarters and cut them into long thin strips.
  2. DSC_3497 DSC_3499
  3. Heat a pan with oil and add crushed garlic first followed by onion and green chillies. Fry for a minute and then add the vegetables carrot,cabbage and capsicum,frying each for a minute.
  4. Ingredients DSC_3504
  5. Lower the flame,add the sauces and pepper powder,sambar powder,little salt(chapati has salt,so add very little).Stir well and add the cut strips of chapati and toss well in high flame to mix thoroughly.
  6. DSC_3505 DSC_3508
  7. Lastly Garnish with finely chopped coriander and spring onion and serve immediately.
  8. Add chapati strips

I had this with raita,tasted great with it!

Chapathi noodles1


  • You can make this simple like upma,just add sambar powder to make it spicy.
  • The above recipe serves only one person.Adjust accordingly if you want to prepare for more. Also ref here for quantity tips.

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