I had a lone sweet potato after making some other recipe and was thinking what to make with it. Then saw this Sweet Potato Buns recipe in a cookbook I took from the library (The Best Veggie Burgers On The Planet – by Joni Marie Newman). I was more than happy to try it out. And I always wanted to experiment buns with longer kneading time, as my previous attempts has no much kneading time. 


    I was just amazed with the result of this buns,they were smooth,soft outside and the pores were very fine and spongy inside. I was thrilled and could not wait to taste the buns as I saw them raising,with smooth top inside the oven while it was getting baked! And more than anything my hubby tasted and approved it was tasting good(he is not a big fan of yeasted breads/buns). My kid also had it happily after he returned from the School.


Sweet potato 1 small
Plain flour/All purpose flour/ Maida 2 cups
+ 1/2 cup for sprinkling
Olive oil 1/8 cup
Sugar 1 tsp
Warm water 1/4 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Salt 3/4 tsp
Honey 1 tsp
Active dry yeast 3/4 tblsp
Butter For brushing



  1. Pressure cook/boil the sweet potato up to 3-4 whistles with little water. Drain water, cool, peel the skin off and mash it.
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  2. Meanwhile add yeast,sugar to the warm water and dissolve completely. Let it sit for 10 minutes, after which it would have raised double in volume.
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  3. Add milk,oil,honey to the mashed sweet potato and mash,mix as smooth as you can, you can use a blender too if you want.
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  4. In another large bowl,mix flour and salt. Make a dent in the middle and stir in the yeast mixture. Mix well and add the milk/potato mixture and knead to a dough.
  5. Sprinkle flour to make a non sticky dough while kneading. Knead well for 8-10 minutes,until smooth and elastic.
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  6. Cling wrap the mouth of the bowl and keep aside for an hour to let it raise.
  7. After an hour,punch down the dough and sprinkle more flour if its sticky(only if needed) and knead again for 2 minutes.
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  8. Divide into 6 equal balls and arrange it in a greased baking tray. Make sure you give enough space to avoid sticking to each other.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190o C. Bake the buns for 13-15 minutes. Take out and quickly brush the buns with generous butter. Bake again for 4-5 minutes more to make the top golden brown.
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Soft,slightly sweet buns are ready to enjoy! Have it for your breakfast or dinner with butter,jam with a cup of your favourite beverage!



  • If your yeast mixture doesn't raise in step 2 then your yeast is not active, please do not attempt making the buns. You may not get it right.
  • Kneading the dough is the main key to get softest buns that takes to a whole new level.
  • You can replace oil with melted butter as well.
  • For vegan version, use agave nectar in place of honey and soy milk in place of milk and oil in place of butter.



   I am so very excited to host an event in my space after years! When Nivedita contacted me if I could host her event for the month of September,without any second thought I accepted right away. Thanks to her for helping in choosing the theme and the opportunity to host the event as well! So lets CELEBRATE SWEETS the month September with Sweets/dessert recipes with fruits & Vegetables!!Party

  So send in your innovative and interesting recipes to make this event a grand success!

Here are some guide lines for the event :

  • Post any sweet/dessert recipes that uses any fruit or vegetable as a main ingredient in between Sep 1st – Sep 30th . Main ingredient means you should use that in the cooking process and not “garnish” with it!
  • Link to the event details page of Nivedita’s blog and this post. Also include the event logo. These three things are mandatory. 
  • If you have any old post in your archive, either update the post with these links and logo or repost it as a new post with the links and logo.
  • Send in your entry to tvijayanand1904(AT)gmail(DOT)com with “Celebrate Sweets” as subject,with (1) Your Name (2) Your Blog Name (3) Post link (4)A picture of the recipe.
  • Multiple entries are allowed.
  • Non bloggers are also welcome to submit their recipes, just email me the recipe with one of the picture of the recipe(clicked by yourself) that you made.
  • I will take care of resizing the pictures so don”t worry about the size or dimensions.
  • After your entry sent to my mail ID, if I don't acknowledge your mail within one or two days, please leave a comment in my recent post insisting it.

Here’s the LOGO for the event:

Celebrate Sweets Event - Rak's Kitchen

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