Garlic Buns

               I love garlic bread from pizza hut very much… When I started eating I used to eat it very often atleast once a weekOh go on. But now that season has gone..Now its time to try it on my own Love Struck. When Suhaina posted her garlic buns,I was so happy and I know I am going to try that very soon. But the thing was,it had egg and I am not yet prepared to buy egg and handle it Silly. (she has a eggless garlic rolls version now updated in her blog)After I mailed her for an eggless version,she was very prompt to help me out and gave all the detailed tips for baking the garlic buns. I just blindly followed the recipe and tried and violaApplause! It came out great!

              So this is the second time I am trying this and wanted to write down the recipe here and this time I have halved the quantity…I really loved the buns Suhaina baked for the Singapore blogger meet (Lunch Potluck)we recently had,we all loved the flavour and the taste of the buns she brought hot hot!! As Suhaina have mentioned it so easy and you can follow the same recipe without the garlic spread part and there you got the plain o buns,you can use as phav for bhaji tooHee hee! So try it out yourself,its very easy and comes out nice for beginners in baking like me Batting Eyelashes.So after my Pizza baking attempt,I can tell this is my second successful baking attemptCool.


Plain flour/maida 1 & 1/2 cup
Yeast 3/4 tblsp
Water 1/2 cup(add if more is needed)
Salt 3/4 tsp
Sugar 1 tblsp
Olive oil 1 tblsp

For the garlic Spread:

Garlic chopped very fine 3-5 flakes
Butter softened 2 tblsps
Chopped coriander leaves 1 tblsp


Garlic Buns


  1. Warm the water(not very hot,just warm) and add the yeast,sugar and salt in it and mix well. After a minute mix again to make sure the yeast gets properly dissolved.
  2. Ingredients
  3. Take the flour in a big bowl and make a dent in the centre and add the mixed yeast water.
    Add yeast mixture
  4. Knead the dough with olive oil to smooth and pliable(add 1 or 2 tablespoons of water if water is needed,the dough should not be too stiff and dry,it should be soft,smooth and pliable)
  5. Keep covered the bowl with either a clean wet towel or a cling wrap(wrap the bowl to cover it,not the dough).
  6. After an hour,the dough should have raised double in volume. Again knead it little to make it smooth.
    Raised dough
  7. Divide into 6 equal balls and arrange it with enough gaps in a lined baking tray.
    Dough balls arraged
  8. Make a small slit on top  using a knife to fill the garlic spread. (not very deep,more on top)
  9. Keep it aside in warm place for 45  minutes to make the balls double in size.
    Raised balls
  10. Mean while make ready the spread,by mixing the butter,garlic and coriander.
    Garlic,butter and coriander
  11. Pre heat the oven for 180°C and apparently fill the spread in the slit we made in the dough balls.(I have used less,you can use more garlic spread)
    garlic spreaded over the top
  12. Bake for 20-25 minutes or till you get a golden coloured buns.Just cook for needed,over baking makes it harder!
    Oven fresh buns!!
  13. Flavourful buns are ready to enjoy,I love to have it when it is still warm Whistling.
    Enjoy warm!

Garlic Buns

I am sending these buns to Sharmilee’s own first ever hosted event Let’s Munch! - Light Tea time Snack !.


  • You can try in bread form too…I have to still try myself and later I may update the post..
  • Try the same without garlic spread,to get plain buns or paav for bhaaji.
  • You can try reducing the yeast half the quantity mentioned and keep it for long time for raising.I have not tried this but I saw this tip in Suhaina’s post.
  • I thought next time I can also add hard grated parmesan cheese in the garlic spread! Idea

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