Jangri-Rak's Kitchen

              I don’t know when I started liking Jangri,but I love it like anything…That too,rose flavored means I just love that divine smell…

              My mom and I have tried one or two times back at home,before marriage,but never succeeded…

              Recently when my mom visited to my place,she bought from Adyar anandha bhavan,the mini jangries,but that rose flavor was missing,as now a days,in sweet shops they use ghee for frying,mostly the ghee smell is dominating…then my mom suggested trying of my own…

              Then I searched in you tube for videos for better understanding… Before also always this jangri will be in my back of mind and I have book marked our friend EC’s Jangris too…but you know,I was scared to try,if it doesnt comes out well…    But when I saw Vah chef’s video,It gave me a lot of confidence and as my mom was with me we decided to try it out..I got a overall idea from the video and made one day!! To Our surprise it was not bad at all and we all were satisfied-that includes my husband(who is not fond of jangris), and my son,who loves it just like me Batting Eyelashes.

It was very easy for me to make jangri,this is the fourth time I am making….but you know very difficult to take pics,gazillion times i had to wash hands and take pics…Whew.But its okay,its for my future reference and for you all,so I can forget abt it Big Grin.

              And I am assuring you all,that it will come out well if tried with interest…Not very complicated!! Do try it once and let me knowCool.

Ingredients:(yields 30 medium sized jangris)

Whole white urad dal/Muzhu ulutham paruppu 3/4 cup
Rice flour (optional) 1 tsp
Orange food colour 1/2 pinch
Salt A pinch

For Sugar syrup:

Sugar 3/4 cup
water Just to immerse the sugar
Lemon juice 1/2 tsp
Rose essence 4 drops
Orange food colour A pinch


  1. Soak urad dal for 2 hrs and grind with very little water as we do for grinding vadas.( Approximately less than 1/4 cup).The batter should be fluffy and smooth).Mix a pinch of salt,food colour and rice flour(if desired) and mix well.
    Ground fluffy Mixed rice food colour
  2. Heat the sugar with water just to immerse it and after it starts boiling,let it boil for 3-4 minutes.Add lemon juice,food colour and lastly essence  and mix well and switch off the stove. Take a zip lock cover and make a hole with a thin nail as shown in the picture.The hole should be very tiny.
    Sugar syrup Hole,click to enlarge
  3. Fill half the cover with the batter and first practice doing in a plate…Draw two circle as shown and over it,draw small swirl like circles over it.Just practice 2-3 times you will get it right.
    Try1 try 2 try 3
  4. Then heat a broad,flat bottomed pan(keep the flame in low) with only little oil say 1 inch depth.
  5. The oil should not get fully heated,when it starts forming small,small bubbles in the bottom,then draw jangris in the oil,repeat the same to make many.
    In oil,step1 step 2 finish
  6. Once the jangris gets cooked and becomes light,turn over and cook till crisp and then take out carefully and transfer to the sugar syrup. I used Chop sticks for this,which works out very well.You can use the one they use for turning paniyaram…
    Drain oil
  7. Dunk the fried jangris in hot sugar syrup for 1-2 minutes and take out carefully and arrange it a plate.Give a 1/2 hour standing time.
    Dunk the jangri! take out after 2 min
  8. Ready to enjoy!!!

Oh my love jangri!!


  • Use grinder or a food processor which will give you a fluffy batter.
  • I dint used rice flour since my jangris were coming out nice without it too,use if you are grinding in mixer.Other wise not important.
  • The sugar syrup must not be too thin and also not too thick.
  • While making hole in the cover,do not heat the nail red hot,just heat it a little and make a hole other wise,the hole will become big.
  • Oil should always be heated in low flame or low-medium flame,other wise,the jangris will blow to a bigger size and become brittle or soggy.
  • Use only flat bottomed pan,with less oil mentioned.
  • If you want you can use ghee too!
  • And lastly,if you are not comfortable with drawing the jangri shape,please,do make a comparatively bigger hole and make mini swirl like rings as they give as mini jangris in some shops,it will come out very cute!

Last one!!

This is like my long time dream come true,I am satisfied with the taste,so if you too carve for jangris,please do try at home and let me know….Happy.

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