Aval/Beaten Rice Savory Snack

Woohoo! What a day, what a day! India won the cricket match and what a match it was! Very proud to be an Indian!
It is definitely a good day for more than one reason. I am back to blogging! My back aches are gone, and I am feeling well. I thank you all for sending me your get well soon notes. It was very nice and I feel quite loved.

Beaten Rice/Aval Snack,Savory
I can’t seem to keep my trail of thought today. It must be all the excitement from the “India winning cricket match.” My mind is so much on it that I fear I might keep going on unless someone gags me. Please allow me to say just one more thing around the topic of cricket. Thank you facebook buddies for keeping me company in cheering the Indian team! I had a terrific time! It almost felt like you guys were sitting next to me on the sofa, laughing and punching the air every time India scored or got a wicket. Thank you ;)


Again, where was I on the cooking scene!? Yes, I am back to blogging and I have Aval/poha recipe for you.  It is another favorite snack. I still remember the first time I had it.  Yes, I am big on everything first time, like how today was my first time watching cricket with virtual friends.  I warned you I cannot keep cricket out.  Focusing!  I was saying, my friend brought this poha snack on a family outing and since then I have been hooked.  And thankfully it is easy to make and I make them a lot now.  Believe me when I say it’s good!

Beaten Rice/Aval Snack,Savory
Is there a phrase or idiom to explain having a good time close on the heels of another?  I can’t think of any but that is how I feel right now.  At the risk of being repetitive India won, I am back to blogging and spring is tangible.  The trees and plants are all bursting out their verdant glory.  Can it get any better!?  As for you, try this recipe that will be the icing on the cake for an otherwise perfect day you are having.  Love! J    


Aval/Beaten rice- 3 cups
Peanuts- 1/4 cup
Dalia/ chana dal- 2 tbsp
Curry leaves- 1 sprig
Red chili powder- 1 tsp/to your taste
Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
Asafoetida- a pinch

A strainer similar to the one in the picture
Oil for frying


1.Heat oil in a thick bottom deep pan.
2.Place the beaten rice 1/2 cup at a time on the strainer and dip it in the hot oil. It will be done in a couple of seconds.
3.Take out the fried beaten rice and spread on a paper towel.Repeat the same with the rest of the beaten rice.
4.In a similar way fry the peanuts and the channa dal.
5.Switch off the heat and keep the hot oil in a safe place.
6.Heat a tablespoon of oil in a wide pan,on low heat.
7.Throw in the curry leaves (or you could fry them in the same oil you fried the aval and nuts after switching off the heat, but if you are scared about them spluttering then you could do like this) and saute. Add in the chili powder,turmeic powder and asafoetida.Saute for a minute.
8.Throw in the fried aval,channa dal and peanuts and mix everything well.Switch off the heat and let it cool before you store in an airtight container.


1.I used the brown aval and that explains the color :-)
2.If you don't have a strainer,don't try this method. Because by the time you take all of it from the oil, it will be over-done.

Contributor: Namitha

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