Good Wheat Bread

Printable Recipe

1 cup warm water
2 T. oil
1 t. lemon juice
1 ½ t. salt
2 T. sugar
2 T. powdered milk
3 cups whole wheat flour
2 t. yeast

In bread machine, place everything in the order recommended by manufacturer. Select dough setting (check after 5 minutes, add water or flour if necessary). When cycle is completed, turn dough onto floured surface. Form into a loaf and place into a greased loaf pan. Let rise again, and bake at 375 for 35 minutes.

Holly's Note:
This is the same recipe as
Good White Bread, just with wheat flour instead of white. My husband loves bread and he prefers heavy bread to light bread. He often says that we Americans don't know how to do bread correctly, and Wonder Bread doesn't count as bread. (He's right.) So, using whole wheat flour in this bread makes it a healthier as well as heavier loaf. You can do a mixture of white and wheat flour if you want it a little lighter.

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