Chili Kenos

Brown 1 lb. of ground beef, drain fat and add:
some onion, either dried or chopped (about 1/2 a cup chopped or sprinkle on a bunch of dried!)
salt & pepper
1 t. cumin powder
¼ t. oregano
Sprinkle 2 T. flour over meat

Dissolve 3 T. chili powder in 1 cup hot water. Add to meat mixture. Simmer.

1 can kidney beans, drained.
1 can corn, drained
1 small can tomato sauce

Simmer til you’re ready to eat. Add some shredded cheddar cheese (about 1/2-1 cup), stir 'til melted. Serve with chili-cheese flavored corn chips.

Holly’s Note:
I have no idea why this is called Chili Kenos. It was in a church cookbook that my mom's ward did years ago and it came from an old family friend. The original recipe called for the corn chips to be added to the meat mixture. I serve the corn chips on the side. It’s better for re-heating that way. No soggy corn chips. This is one of those childhood meals that is very comforting.

In our house, this is called "Spice and Chips" courtesy of my son!

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