My grandma is an expert in making these “Kai murukku”. She makes it so fast and its will look so elegant when she makes it with ease. My mom too makes kai murukku, but both their style differs a lot. I always loved watching them making it for Gokulashtami. I used to sit and hear all those stories and gossips they both used to talk. My paati also makes murukku in shapes of some small kolams specially for me. They will be so so cute.These home made kai murukkus are so different in flavour and taste than we buy from the shops. I love this home made murukkus for its flavour and unique taste.

கை முறுக்கு

   I always try my hands in making these murukku when ever I make thenkuzhal or other murukku with little dough reserved for this.  Last year for diwali I tried with small portions, but I could not make it thin and hence ended up in chewy and hard murukkus. But this time, I took the recipe from my mom and made this with freshly ground rice flour and indeed got perfect taste,just like my paati/amma’s murukku.  By posting this recipe here with video,by no means I am claiming I had learnt making this in a perfect way. Just posting what ever I made/learnt/got. I am sure by practice I can make perfect murukkus,not only in taste but in shapes too very soonCool.


Ingredients: ( Around 25 pieces)

Raw rice(I used sona masoori) 1 cup
Urad dal flour 4 –5 tblsp
Ghee 5 tblsp
Sesame seeds 2 tsp
Asafoetida 1/4 tsp
Salt & water as needed
Oil For deep frying



  1. Soak the rice for at least 2 hours and drain the water,spread it in a clean cloth or news paper to absorb the excess water.
  2. Grind it to a fine powder in a mixer.
  3. Sieve the flour(you can add the remaining coarse rice to the next batch grinding).
  4. Fry the urad dal flour until nice aroma wafts.( You can fry the urad dal and powder,sieve it too. I used ready made store bought urad dal flour).
  5. Mix rice flour,urad flour,sesame seeds,ghee,asafoetida and salt well.
  6. Add water and make it to a smooth pliable dough. The dough should not have any cracks. Also take care not to add more water. So be careful when you add water. Add slowly and little by little.
  7. Take small ball and make twists/murukkus in a news paper. Refer the video how I made. Its bit tricky,but sure you can learn. Make all the dough to murukkus.
  8. Heat enough oil in kadai and drop 3-4 at a time. Use dosa flipper (dosa thiruppi)for taking the murukku from the paper.
  9. Cook in medium flame. Flip the murukku after it floats on top and the shhhh…sound ceases. Fry until both sides are evenly cooked up to golden in colour.
  10. Store in airt tight container after cooled down. The flavour is in its best when eaten from the next day.
    Kai murukku

Kai murukku video : [Play –> pause-> buffer(if your internet is slow) before viewing]

Kai Murukku Video

     It was a bit difficult to hold my mobile in a hand and do the murukku on the other hand. Hope its clear. Sure by practise I hope to make the swirls perfect in future Batting Eyelashes.

Kai-murukku copy


  • For one cup rice I got approximately 2 cups of flour.
  • Frying urad adds flavour to the murukku.
  • I used black sesame,you can also use white. You can replace ghee with butter.
  • If your dough breaks while making murukku,just sprinkle little water to make it pliable.
  • Warning: For the first batch, drop the murukku and check if it bursts. Some times this also bursts. I had some bad luck when I was studying 12th std and was trying to help my mom and ended up some hot oil spills over my face and neck. Just a warning to be careful. Not that it will !!

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