Zobo - Nigerian Hibiscus Punch

Zobo, Nigerian hibiscus punch is made from an infusion of dried hibiscus calyxes which form at the base of flowers as they mature, this red calyxes are frequently used as a natural food colouring also make a delicious herbal punch which can be taken hot or cold.. Its important to dry this hibiscus calyxes in the sun for 2-3days before using which brings out a wonderful fruity aroma..In West Africa, this calyxes are know as bissap or roselles and in Nigeria the drink from this dried roselles is called as Zobo, these roselles are rich in Vitamin C and calcium..I enjoyed having this punch since its non-alcholic..With ginger,sugar and this dried roselles this punch tastes great and we enjoyed it when they were still warm...

1cup Dried roselles
2tbsp Ginger (grated)
4cups Water

Heat water with grated ginger and dry hibiscus calyxes..put off the flame and cover the vessel and let them sit for few hours...Strain the infusion and stir in sugar as per need..

Serve warm or cold..

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