Beef & Potatoes with Rosemary and It’s a Small World!

In Valerie’s words, “this is just too weird!”

Here’s the story:

A couple of months ago, Valerie sent me an email introducing herself and telling me she was a new follower of my blog.   She explained that she stumbled over my blog while surfing the net and that she is from Reynoldsburg, Ohio and now lives in Louisville, Ky.  I thought “Wow!”  Reynoldsburg is the next town over from where our farm was located in Pickerington.  I later then moved to Louisville, KY.  What a coincidence!  We both lived in the same area in Ohio and then we both moved to Louisville.

I emailed her back and told her exactly where our farm was and my grandfather’s farm with their farm house just down the road from us.  I explained that it has all changed so much now.  Both farm houses are still there but there is a funeral home and a bank across the street from my grandparent’s house and a church by our house now.  Plus it is all built up with houses and stores now ~ not all fields as when we lived there.

She emailed back and said the house has an in-ground pool and is across from the funeral home and church with a shop near the house.  I told her yes, that was my grandparent’s house.  They built it many years ago and the pool was installed much later by Uncle Jake and Aunt Phyllis.  Her next email told me that her aunt bought my grandparent’s house years ago and the shop next door is her embroidery shop.  Her aunt lives in my grandparent’s house!  She said her aunt loved the old wallpaper in the dining room so much that it’s still there. 

Like she said, WOW!  This is just too weird!  This proves it is a small world in blogger land.  I’m so glad to have met Valerie and to see photos of the area as it looks now. 

Valerie has a great blog in which she talks about her life in Louisville with her husband and 3 cute kids.  This is Valerie’s recipe for pot roast @In His Image.  You may recall I just bought a slow cooker after many years of not having one and this is a perfect recipe for it!  It all turned out beautifully, very tender and delicious.  Cooked to perfection!  Bill really likes it when I make pot roast so check back next week to see what he does with it!  Yum!

Here’s her recipe:

Beef & Potatoes with Rosemary
This a great potroast recipe w/ a bit of a twist. The dijon mustard just makes it so different from your everyday roast.
1 lb medium red potatoes, quartered
baby carrots, or lg is fine too
3 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary leaves
1 tsp chopped fresh thyme
salt & pepper
3 lb beef boneless chuck roast (I like shoulder)
1 small onion, chopped
2 cans beef broth

Arrange the potatoes & carrots around the edge of your slow cooker.
Mix mustard, rosemary, thyme, S&P, and spread evenly over the roast. Place beef in cooker, sprinkle onion on top, & pour in beef broth.
Cover & cook 6-8 hours.

Thanks so much Valerie for the great memories and the recipe also!

Be sure to enter my giveaway for Chef John Besh’s “My New Orleans” cookbook that was posted on October 29, 2010!

Check out my friend, Linda’s blog, at My Kind of Cooking for her great recipes and cookbook giveaway!

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