Zucchini And Carrot Quiche Recipe

I have always enjoyed baking quiches because they are simple to make and I can do other things around the house while its baking. I really enjoy baking things like this during the weekends for my family.

During the Summer months we plant a garden and I always plant Zucchini's. When I get an abundance of Zucchini, I will shred them up, measure it out via a cup measurement and freeze the shredded zucchini in a ziploc storage bag. I then mark on the bag, how much zucchini is in there so that I can make an appropiate recipe. This recipe also works well with frozen zucchini.

Here is another great recipe by Tupperware!

Zucchini, Carrot and Onion Quiche Recipe

2 cups cooked rice
Nonstick cooking spray
1 cup shredded Mexican four-cheese blend
3 large egg whites
1 medium yellow onion, peeled and halved
1 medium carrot, peeled and grated
1 medium zucchini, grated
1 cup chicken broth
1 large egg
1 cup skim milk

*note* I have also made this recipe using a Taco Blend Shredded Cheese instead of the Mexican Four-Cheese Blend as stated above.

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Coat a 9 inch pie pan with cooking spray and set aside. In a Prep Essentials™ Mix-N-Stor® Plus Pitcher, mix together the rice, 2 tablespoons of the cheese and 1 egg white. Press mixture over the bottom and sides of the pan. Bake uncovered, 5 minutes. Remove from oven and cool while preparing filling. Using the Chef Series™ Pro Chef's Knife, chop onion and set aside. Place carrot and zucchini in Chef Series™ 2 Qt. / 2L Covered Nonstick Saucepan with chicken broth and onion. Cook uncovered over medium heat for 15 minutes. Increase heat to medium high and cook, stirring until all liquid is evaporated and vegetables are almost glazed. Transfer to a small 6-Cup/ 1.4L Wonderlier® Bowl and place in freezer to cool for 5-10 minutes. Place remaining egg whites, and egg in Quick Shake® Container and blend with milk. Fold into the cooled vegetables and remaining cheese. Pour mixture into the rice shell and bake uncovered until the filling is puffed and set (about 30-35 minutes). Remove and cool for 15 minutes before serving.

Stainless Steel Cookware, Energy Efficient - 360 Cookware

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