Asparagus and Sweet Pepper Roasted

Who said vegetarian has to be boring? Maybe nobody did, but sometimes I sure feel like it is. For example, this morning , my brain just couldn’t process any new ideas for a vegetarian meal. Therefore, I decided to have coke and chips for lunch. (Terrible, I know!!) Having settled on that, I proceeded to photograph raw vegetables and fruit, which is my latest interest. Everything was going well until my stomach decided to groan its displeasure. I kept going on with my business and ignored my stomach completely. Finally, when photography started frustrating me and my stomach was not letting up, my brain processed an idea. I grabbed all the asparagus I was photographing and snapped off its end. It was going into the oven.

Asparagus and Sweet Pepper

As I bent over to replace half of the asparagus, which is for another recipe, I spotted the sweet peppers. Grabbed some, washed, and added it to the asparagus. And then, sprinkled sea salt, a generous amount of pepper and olive oil over the vegetables and picked up the cookie sheet. Lined it with foil and dropped the oil bathed vegetables on it. Feeling a little whimsical, I threw in a couple slices of lime. Cranked up the oven to 425 D F, waited for about 10 minutes to let it heat up, and then slid the cookie tray laden with veggies in. Baked for 10 minutes and I picked out the asparagus and placed on a platter. Turned the oven setting to broil and charred both sides of the pepper, takes only a few minutes on both sides.

Asparagus and sweet Peppers

As they all came out of the oven and was placed on a platter, I topped it with a handful of cheddar cheese and let it melt. Grabbed my glass of water melon juice and have to say enjoyed a fantastic lunch. No more groaning stomach but a blissful siesta invites me.

Asparagus and Sweet Peppers broiled

All is well in this part of the world, hope yours is too.

Broiled Asparagus and Sweet Pepper


Asparagus – 20
Sweet Pepper – 8
Pepper – to taste
Sea Salt – to taste
Olive Oil – 1 Tbspn
Cheddar Cheese – to taste

1. Snap the ends of the asparagus and place it on a cookie sheet lined with foil
2. Add the sweet peppers
3. Sprinkle pepper, salt and drizzle the olive oil over.
4. Bake at 425 D F for about 10- 12 minutes. Remove the asparagus into a plate.
5. Change the oven setting to broil and blacken both sides of the pepper about a minute or two on both sides.
6. Place the peppers in the serving plate and sprinkle cheddar cheese over and let it melt

This is not an original idea, of course you know that. I am just saying I just decided to eat this as lunch which is new for me.

Contributor: Sunitha

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