Alice’s Swedish Meatballs

Early meatball recipes are hard to find and nobody is sure where the meatball originated.  Meat was rare around the world in early days and the meatballs were surely made with ground meat from leftovers and hand-shredded to be enjoyed mainly by the rich. 

Meatballs, as we know them today, would not have been possible until the invention of the meat grinder.  The first United States patent of a crude meat grinder was issued in 1829 with a superior one having rotary cutting blades and a spiral feed being patented in 1845.  Then for the first time, ordinary people could purchase fresh ground meat.  

This great invention allowed Alice, a first generation Swede and my mother-in-law, to make her marvelous meatballs.  She was another great cook, having many Swedish recipes, some not so good according to my husband as he was growing up.  She loved to cook for a crowd and did so countless times.  Having 3 aunts and 5 uncles, all from Sweden, she had to learn to cook Swedish food; fast and well.  This is her recipe for Swedish Meatballs and they are delicious, seasoned to perfection in a great gravy.  They make a wonderful entrée served with buttered noodles or a delectable appetizer as well.  These meatballs are some of the best, you will love them!

Swedish Meatballs


1 large cooked potato
1 slice stale bread or ¼ c. cracker crumbs
1 onion
1 ½ lb. ground chuck
½ t. salt
¼ t. pepper
¼ t. allspice
1 t. paprika
1 T. sugar
1 or 2 eggs, slightly beaten
¼ c. evaporated milk

Finely grind potato, bread and onion.  Add to meat.  Mix well. 
Add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Shape into balls (with damp hands) and place on cookie sheet.
Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes till done.
After 10 minutes, shake pan to turn them.



¼ c. flour
½ c. water
1 T. Hungarian paprika
3 c. beef stock
2 c. sour cream
Salt and pepper, to taste

Mix flour and water very well.
Place beef stock in saucepan.  When it starts to bubble, slowly stir in flour mixture, stirring constantly. 
Add paprika, salt and pepper.
Stir in sour cream.  Heat till warm.
Pour gravy over meatballs and serve.

Smaklig maltid!

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