MW Carrot & Dill Dip

I have some leftover dill leaves in my fridge and i wanted to prepare something easily with laughing cow cheese...I prepared this carrot and dill dip through microwave oven quite easily...As we know that dill leaves are very strong in flavour, instead of adding directly to the dip, i cooked the chopped dill leaves with carrot chunks in microwave oven with a cup of water...Microwave cooking retains the colour of both cooked carrots and dill leaves and this dip looks fantastic with mild orange colour with green dill leaves..This dip goes awesome with toasted breads or simple dip with veggies or with meats...We enjoyed having this delicious cheesy carrot and dill dip with toasted breads for our dinner..Sending this dip to Vegetable Marathon-Carrots guest hosted by PJ, event by Silpa..

1cup Carrots pieces (chopped finely)
1/4cup Dill leaves (chopped)
4nos Laughing cow cheese
1/4tsp Pepper powder

Take the chopped carrots and chopped dill leaves in a microwave safe bowl with some water, cook everything in high for 10minutes(stir twice) until the carrots get well cooked..once the carrots get cooked, let them get cool and take the cooked carrots, dill leaves, laughing cow cheese, pepper powder and salt in a blender and blend everything as bit coarse paste..

Enjoy with toasted breads or simple veggies...

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