Cauliflower Bajji/Cauliflower Fritters

What would you do if it's raining continuously and the temperature is in the 40’s (F)? I would make some fritter and have it with a cup of warm tea.   I am sure you have your own ways to indulge; one of mine for a cloudy day is to relax with some nice bhajjis and tea.   

  On a different note, my 2-year-old’s word power is developing exponentially.  Yes, it’s good news and as his mother I am proud.  What has me pulling my hair and worrying is wondering when he will stop embarrassing me by commanding orders.  He always excludes key words like  ‘please’ and “May I have” in his speech.    

  He does know these words, but conveniently uses them only as a last resort to win his parents over.  The other day at Children's Place (I like this store for its reasonable rates and good quality) he was absolutely firm and determined to buy himself a shirt.  He picked it up, stood his ground and with a resolute face (almost as if he was saying he is not taking no for an answer) said “I want this.”  

  Wow! I said yeah, but could we display some more respect?    I just thought that in my mind and could never say that aloud because the store was definitely not the place to teach him respect.  We dealt with the issue nicely, but what it reminded me of was the lack of politeness in my mother tongue ‘Malayalam.’ There are innumerable times I can remember when I would simply tell my mother exactly what my son told me.  “I need this or that.” and still be polite but in English without those words it comes out so badly.  It was another occasion to experience what my mother would rant all the time “You will know when you have your own child” and I shout out to her now - "Yes, Amma!  Yes!" I am learning humility and patience at the hands of my 2-year-old. 

Cauliflower Fritters

Now you must be wondering what's the red patch on the side

Cauliflower Fritters

It's my little imp, Mil, who couldn't stop picking a few fritters, while mommy was busy clicking away before the rain came down. Poured.

Cauliflower Fritters

Yes, the yellow fritters at the back which my son is giving all the attention to is plantain fritters/pazham pori.  You can find the recipe here.

cauliflower fritters


Cauliflower Florets- 2 cups
Gram Flour/Besan- 1/2 cup
Rice Flour- 1/4 cup
Salt- To taste
Chilli powder- 1 tsp or more
Ajwain- 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder- a pinch
Oil- for frying


1.Steam cook the cauliflower florets.(do not overcook)
2.Mix all the other ingerdients together and add enough water to make a batter that has the consistency of idli batter.
3.Heat oil for frying in a deep pan.
4.Throw in the cooked cauliflower in the batter and mix them so that they are coated well with the batter.
5.When the oil is hot enough ( if you drop a dash of batter it should splutter) slowly slide in the florets in the batter,one at a time and fry till they are golden brown.(turn the sides in between)
6.Drain them on a paper towel.Enjoy with a cuppa.


1.If you do not have ajwain add a pinch of asafoetida,instead.
2.I have tried these florets without cooking the cauliflower in advance, but then I will cut the florets thin.
3.Keep the heat on medium to medium high.

Contributor: Namitha

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