Waffle Iron Cookies

Printable Recipe

3/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
1 t. vanilla
3 eggs
3/4 t. salt
1 3 oz. package fruit-flavored jello
1 t. baking powder
2 3/4 cup flour

Cream together the shortening, sugar and vanilla. Add eggs, salt, jello, baking powder and flour. Mix well, until a soft dough forms. Roll into small balls and place on a hot, greased, waffle iron. Close lid and bake for approximately 2 minutes. Times will vary with waffle makers.

Holly's Note:
The above photo is of the recipe using Lemon jello. The photo below is of the recipe using Berry Blue jello. Little boys love the aqua-colored cookies! These are easy to make, although they can be somewhat time-consuming. However, children love them.

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