Tupperware Strawberry Cake Recipe

When it comes to cakes...one of my favorite cakes to make during the spring and summer time is this delicious Strawberry Cake.

Summer Strawberry Cake

1 (9 oz.) pkg. Lemon Cake Mix (makes one layer)

1 egg

1/2 c. water

1 cup sliced fresh strawberries

1 can prepared frosting

1 tsp. Cinnamon-Vanilla Seasoning Blend (optional)

Optional Toppings: 1/2 cup fresh blueberries, strawberries and blackberries.

Spray a 6 1/4 cup Heat 'N Serve (tm) container with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside. Mix cake mix, water, and egg. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed. Pour cake mix into Heat 'N Serve (tm) container and microwave on high 12 minutes turning the container 1/4 turn every 2 minutes. Allow cake to cool slightly, then turn it out onto an Impressions (tm) luncheon plate. With a Chef Series (tm) 8 1/4" bread knife, slice the cake in half horizontally and allow to cool completely. When the cake has cooled spread a thick layer of frosting in the middle and lay half the strawberries on top. Place the top layer back on the cake and frost it with the rest of the frosting. Decorate with the remaining strawberries and serve immediately.

Stainless Steel Cookware, Energy Efficient - 360 Cookware

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