Serving And Entertaining Tips

I love to cook and bake and I am always looking for some helpful kitchen and cooking tips. I thought I would share some of my favorites today here on my blog. Every week I will post a few more of my great tips!

Fruit Candle Holders

Select three large lemons or other whole fresh fruits of equal size and height and 3 tea light candles. Using a paring knife, cut a circle the size of the candle in the top of each lemon and discard. Remove enough pulp to set candle in the lemon so that the candle top is level with the top of the fruit. Trim the base of each lemon to allow fruit to sit flat on a safe surface.

Dish Towel Napkins

Bright patterned dish towels make great napkins! Larger, extra absorbent and easy to clean!

Fun Shaped Cookie Bars

Use large cookie cutters to create fun shaped bar cookies and sandwiches. Carefully press cutters into warm bar cookies. Place on a clean cookie sheet or plate and chill until firm.

Messy Hands?

Finger foods tend to get messy. Tuck a couple of individually wrapped hand wipes into napkins. Now your guests can clean their hands easily.

Easy Butter Corn

Place warm, husked corn in a Tupperware (tm) Season-Serve container. Add four tablespoon pats of butter along with favorite seasoning. Seal the container and flip several times to coat the corn in butter.

Cotton Bandana Napkins

Red cotton bandana's make great napkins for themed Western meals or for casual laid-back picnic BBQ style meals.

Buffet Style Party

When serving buffet-style for a party, consider using small cards to describe the food. These help guests spot foods that may be favorites, those that may cause allergies or new dishes that sound too good to pass by. Your guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Pepper Dip Holders

Use fresh red, green and yellow peppers to hold dipping sauces. Slice the top off the pepper. Remove the seeds and the pulp. Slightly trim the base of the pepper to allow it to sit evenly. Fill with dip.

Need a quick bottle cooler?

When you need a bottle cooler for the patio or deck, use a large, clean terra-cotta plant pot filled with ice. Place a plant coaster under the pot to catch the water as the ice melts.

Instant Cake & Pie Serving Stand

Need a quick elegant display stand for your round cakes, tortes or pies? Take the Tupperware (tm) Ice Prisms bowl and turn it upside down and place the Tupperware (tm) Ice Prisms Plate on top! You now have instantly created a cake serving stand!

Chopping Dried Fruit Tip

If you want to chop dried fruit, coat a knife blade or food processor blade with oil first to more easily slice through the dried fruit. You can also freeze the dried fruit before chopping in a food processor or blender.

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