Gnocchi with Shrimp and Asparagus in Pesto Sauce

OK, would somebody please help me…  

I’ve seen many of you writing about gnocchi and a lot of you have even made it from scratch.  It’s new to me.  It took me 10 minutes, at least, to find a package of the potato dumplings in the grocery store the other day and they only had two of them. 

If I had known how to pronounce the word, I would’ve asked the clerks what aisle to go to find it.  Usually it never bothers me to ask anything but I didn’t want to stumble around with the word that day.  So, I wandered from the boxed potato aisle to the frozen foods at the other end of the store, back to the cold food section, over to the pasta aisle and finally to the ethnic area and imagine that!  There it was in the Italian food section.  So, please tell me ~ is it gnocchi with a “hard” G as in good or is it gnocchi with a “silent” G as in gnat?

However it’s pronounced, we think it’s great and I’m sorry it took us so long to meet. Gnocchi is a great hearty alternative to pasta and a perfect addition in this recipe!   I loved the texture and size of it and how quickly it cooked.  The taste of the shrimp, fresh asparagus, and homemade pesto sauce with the gnocchi was absolutely delicious!!!  

Would you just please tell me how to pronounce it…

Gnocchi with Shrimp and Asparagus in Pesto Sauce


1 (16-ounce) package vacuum-packed gnocchi
4 cups asparagus (about 1 pound), sliced into 1” pieces
1 pound peeled and deveined shrimp
1 cup basil leaves
2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
2 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons garlic, minced
3 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil


Bring 2 quarts water to a boil in a large pan.
Add gnocchi and cook 4 minutes or until done.  Gnocchi will rise to the top.
Remove gnocchi with a slotted spoon and keep warm in a large bowl.
Bring water back to a boil.
Add shrimp and cook until done, drain well.

Meanwhile, in another pan, add asparagus and cook until tender, drain well.

Add shrimp and asparagus to gnocchi bowl.

Combine 1 tablespoon water, basil and next 4 ingredients (through garlic) in a food processor.
Process until smooth, scraping sides.
Drizzle oil through food chute with food processor on; process until well blended.

Add basil mixture to shrimp mixture.
Toss to coat.
Serve immediately
4 servings

It’s delicious!!!

Pam's note:  For a better procedure, see StephenC's second comment, #17.

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Check out my friend, Linda’s blog, at My Kind of Cooking for her great recipes and the 4 cookbooks she's giving away!

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