Pickled Onions and Green Chilies/ Awards

   This is an easy pickling process and the taste is so good its polished clean as easily too.    I especially like its color.  It's eye candy and I leave it on the kitchen counter or occasionally on the dinning table and enjoy looking at it everytime I pass by.  The recipe is passed on by my husband's grandmother.  She is a whiz in the kitchen.  It's amazing how she has all the recipes ingrained in her brain and does not consult notes (recipes) while cooking.  You say the word and she will just blurting out the entire recipe. Very fascinating lady indeed!  Fantastic at violin, cooking and sewing I would call her an all rounder.  She is quite old now and unfortunately not too well.  However, I am sure she would be glad to know I am sharing her recipe with you all.  Enjoy it!

This double shade of the onions in the picture below is as its getting marinated but after bottling in 4-5 days all of it gets evenly colored.

1. Green Chilies
2. Shallots
3. 1 part Water
4. 1 part Vinegar (I used red wine vinegar)
5. Salt

1. Wash the chilies and let the water dry off completely
2. Peel the shallots and wipe clean with a damp cloth and dry cloth respectively until cleaned dry.  This will make sure the onions will stay longer pickled and not get spoilt.
3.  Boil water and dissolve salt in it
4. Once the water cools down add equal part of vinegar and pour over the chilis and onions filled in a bottle.
5. Keep the bottle tighly closed and it will be marinated enough to eat in 4-5 days

Serving: Its a fun pickle.  You can serve it as it is or cut and add them to your salad.
Decoration: Let your imagination take flight.  Keep them in glass bottles of different shapes and size and they look wonderful enough that your guests will go Wow!
Contributor: Sunitha

We got this cute and sweet award from Bigarade of Bittersweet Bigarades Ramblings

Thank you so much and we really appreciate it :-) Now we would like to share with a few blogger friends
Sreelekha Sumesh of Sree's Recipes
Sadhana & Muskaan of A2Z vegetarian cuisine
Jeyashri Suresh of Jeyashri's kitchen
Ushnish Ghosh of Cooking and Recipes
Vrinda of Sankeerthanam
Sarah of Vazhayilla
Sangeetha of Kothiyavunnu 

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