Cucumber in sweet vinegar

     How are you?  I hope you are doing well.  The weather in these parts have been rather crazy see-saw between sunshine and snow.  Thankfully, yesterdays flurry din't last long on the ground and there is news that the weekend will be bright and sunny.  This is good.  It means a long walk in the woods for me.

The recipe today is a special one even though its the easiest concoction ever.  Most Chinese restaurants in India serve these on the table with pickled cabbage, soya bean sauce and ketchup.  I love it.   This is my own version of the recipe purely inspiried and concocted keeping the taste from the aforementioned restaurants in mind.  Please add more sugar or salt as needed since the strength of these, you know, depend on the brand and product. 
Cucumber in sweet vinegar

Cucumber - 2
Sugar - 2 tspn
Salt - 1 1/2 tspn
Vinegar - 1/4 cup
Boiling Water - 1/4 cup
Green chillies - 2 to 4 nos
1. Add salt and sugar to the boiling water and once cool add vingegar
2. Slice cucumber and add to the mixture and keep overnight

1. I don't make this to last a long time but just as a starter to a meal.
2. This way its tasty and you can do without the use of rich dips
Cucumber in Vinegar
   Great news also for me is this pretty post-it book that came in my mail the day before.  Oh! What joy!  Thank you Oraphan for this pretty lil book I adore.

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