Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Cookbook...Review

About the book:
Make Ahead meals are not just for Moms who work outside of the home. It's a way of cooking that helps all families, big and small. It all comes down to a little planning. Make a meal or two in advance when you have some extra time. Then you'll be rewarded with quick, delicious home-cooked meals when you really need them!

I really liked the layout of the book: each section is alphabetical, which makes it easy to find a recipe you want. All the recipes feature ingredients you probably already have in your pantry, which is something important to me, especially if I'm not planning ahead. The directions include bold highlighting to show what needs to/can be done a day ahead. While many of the recipes can be made ahead of time, they don't need to be. These are recipes you can simply make on the spot, but you have the option of freezing.

There are no photos, but the book is easy to read. I would have loved it to have a spiral binding so it would lay completely flat, but once open, there wasn't any flipping of pages, so it worked.

I think this would be a terrific, all-around cookbook for anyone, especially cooks looking for some good, go-to recipes.

Thanks to Tracee at Pump Up Your Book Promotion for the opportunity to review this book. You can find out more about Jane Doiron here. You can find additional reviews of this book, and additional tour stops here. You can purchase your own copy here.

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4/5 Stars

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