Cinnamon Rolls-Frosting

   We had posted the recipe (click here) for cinnamon roll sometimes back, however, the recipe for  frosting was not given.  Therefore please use the one I am sharing today because it's absolutely sweet :) and that's just the way I like my rolls.  You could also use cream cheese frosting which goes well with cinnamon rolls.  We will have a recipe for the same updated soon. 

   Other than eating delicious cinnamon rolls, parenting continues to keep me occupied. That requires all hands on deck, you will agree!  Weather wise, aren't the colors of autumn fading away from the scenery?  Maybe it's time to bring in some daffodil or hyacinth bulb and start watching them grow and herald spring. Let's try and forget the cold days and jump right on to pleasant thoughts, what do you say?  Have a good one!

Cinnamon Rolls

Here is a glimpse of the cinnamon rolls right out of the oven

cinnamon rolls

We love having them for breakfast, or as a snack with evening tea.  It's simply great as a mid day snack with coffee too. Now, you watch out for that waistline, I cannot be blamed for not warning. :) 

Cinnamon Rolls


Confectioner's sugar- 1 1/2 cup
Milk- ~1/4 cup
Butter- 2 Tbsp
Pure Vanilla extract- 1/2 tsp


1.Mix everything together well using a hand blender and spoon it onto the cinnamon rolls.(add more milk if the consistency is too thick and a little more sugar if it is too runny)The best way is to add a tablespoon of milk at a time and continue mixing.

Cinnamon Rolls

Contributor: Namitha

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