Bloggy Giveaway

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button I've always entered the bloggy giveaway carnival and I've even won some things. So, I figured it was time to offer up something of my own. So, here it is. A new copy of Keeping Good Company: A Season-by-Season Collection of Recipes With Entertaining and Homemaking Ideas. It's a lovely cookbook. I picked it up at the school book fair and it's just been sitting on the shelf, waiting for a good home. It's darling.

I hate giveaways that have a gazillion rules and make you go someplace else to look at something and then come back and prove you did it. I know that doing so generates more traffic which is what a lot of people want. I don't. You came for a giveaway, you didn't come to check things out, but feel free to look around anyway!

All I ask is this: change your blogging profile to show your email, if it doesn't already. Don't you think it's annoying when people comment on your blog and you can't reply directly to them because their email says, "

I can only ship within the US. Sorry! **Comments are now closed. Thanks to all who entered.**

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