Banana Nuts muffin

What do you do, if you have some over ripe bananas and some left over nuts? I would make some muffins that melt in my mouth for breakfast.
When did you have or see muffins for the first time? In India we get sugar loaded version known as cupcakes, which are far from healthy. This being my experience when I first moved to Germany, a few years back and my first travel outside India, I saw muffins and confused them for cupcakes. I thought it bizarre people eat cupcakes with their morning coffee. My curiosity got the better of me and I tried it myself. Instantly, realized why it was good to be served for breakfast. The muffins were sweet but just enough and the fruity flavor was apt to kick start my day. I was hooked. Among my many adventures with muffins I came across banana muffins with nuts and I was smitten.
Now I bake them regularly and thankfully the whole family shares my delight for muffins. I hope you will enjoy the following recipe too. It is simple, not too banana-ish, yet with a bite of nuts in between and healthy to boot. Now, tell me how you make banana muffins. I am waiting to hear from you.

Banana nuts muffin


Butter-1/2 cup
Sugar- 3/4 cup(or 1/2 if you do not like sweet)
Eggs- 2
Really ripe bananas(large)mashed- 2
Cinnamon powder- 1/2 tsp
Flour- 2 cups
Salt- a pinch
Baking powder- 3/4 tsp
Baking soda- 1/2 tsp
Buttermilk- 1/2 cup
Walnuts- 1/2 cup

Banana nuts muffin


1.Mash the bananas well.
2.Sift the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda together.
3.Beat the butter and sugar until it is smooth and fluffy.
4.Add eggs one at a time and beat well to mix.
5.To this mix the cinnamon powder and beat in.
6.Finally mix in the buttermilk by beating well.
7.Fold in the flour mixture alternately with mashed bananas and walnuts.
8.Meanwhile prepare the muffin pan by spraying the cooking oil or by lining with paper liners. Preheat the oven to 375 degree F.
9.Spoon in the prepared dough into the muffin pan.(this gives you 18 std. muffins)
10. Bake for ~20 minutes or when a skewer inserted comes out clean.

1.This is just mildly flavored, banana muffins, just perfect for my family's liking.You could add one more banana if you wish.
2.This measurement is for 18 standard muffins or 12 extra large muffins. If you need only 12 muffins take only 1 1/2cup flour and change all the other ingredients proportionately.
3.This could be served warm or cold.

Banana nut muffin
Contributor: Namitha

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