My Homemade Ketchup

I love mustard but, ketchup is an American icon for hamburgers and French fries!

Years ago, Dad not only had the garden at home but after his retirement, he started the first community garden in Louisville and had a garden plot there as well.  The amount of tomatoes he raised was amazing.  Mom canned a lot of tomatoes, made tomato juice and then she made ketchup.  Bubba reminded me of how much he likes homemade ketchup and that I haven’t made it in a long while.  So, yesterday I made ketchup.  The aroma of it cooking is unbelievable, very spicy and good. 

This is sweet, tangy and spicy and it takes time for it to cook down.  It’s easy but, it’s definitely not for an impatient cook because it takes time!  I ended up with close to 3 pints of ketchup from this recipe.  I let it cook down until it was very thick, mainly because Bill likes it thick, not “runny” like Mom made it.    If you don’t want it so thick, cook a shorter period of time and you will have a higher yield.  Another good thing is that you know exactly what is in it, no preservatives!

If you like ketchup, you should really try the homemade kind!  Add more sugar if you like it sweeter, more vinegar for a bite and then start in with the spices until it suits your taste.  Add more red pepper flakes if you like some heat with it.  Experiment!

Waiting to be skinned and chopped

Cooking with the spice bundle

Strained and cooking down ~ dark, rich color from the spices

Ummm, mmmm!!!

My Homemade Ketchup


½ bushel canning tomatoes, about 30 pounds
3 large onions, cut into large chunks
2 cups white vinegar
1 cup granulated sugar
½ cup brown sugar, packed
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons sweet paprika
2 teaspoons ground cloves
2 teaspoons allspice
2 tablespoons onion powder
3 teaspoons cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons ground cardamom
2 teaspoons ground coriander
10 garlic cloves
6 cinnamon sticks
5 tablespoons peppercorns
3 tablespoons mustard seeds
2 tablespoons celery seeds


Wash, peel and chop tomatoes.
Add to a very large heavy pot and bring to a boil.
Add onions, vinegar and sugars.
Lower heat to a simmer.
Stir in next 9 ingredients.  Mix well.
Cut a square of cheesecloth.
Place on the cheesecloth the garlic cloves, cinnamon sticks, peppercorns, mustard seeds and celery seeds.
Tie into a bundle, drop into tomato mixture.
Stir it all well.
Cook for about 1-2 hours until it is about half of what you started with, stirring frequently.
Remove cheesecloth bundle, set aside.
Carefully put tomato mixture through a sieve into a large bowl.
Return strained mixture and cheesecloth bundle to pot.
Continue to simmer, stirring very frequently so as not to burn.
This could take another 30 minutes to an hour, depending on heat level and how thick you like it.
Cook until it reaches the desired consistency.
Pour into sterilized jars.
Cover with a tight fitting lid and refrigerate.

It’s lick-your-lips delicious!

Visit my friend, Linda’s blog, My Kind of Cooking, for the prize winning recipe at the fair and for a chance to win her great cookbook!

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