Easy To Make French Crepes Recipe

If you enjoy eating french crepes, you need to try out this easy to prepare recipe courtesy of Tupperware.com

Tupperware French Crepes Recipe

Serves 12
Preparation Time: 20 minutes

3 eggs, slightly beaten
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
3 tbsp. butter, melted

2 cups mixed tropical fruit, such as strawberries, kiwi, bananas, pineapple, blueberries
Caramel sauce

Sift flour into a Prep Essentials™ Mix-N-Stor® Plus Pitcher, make a well in the center and break eggs into the well, add eggs into the well and mix with flour. Add melted butter to the eggs and flour, add milk a little at a time, and mix until a smooth batter forms. Let batter stand at room temperature, covered for several hours. If the batter is too thick add a small amount of milk to thin before preparing crêpes.

Preheat crepe pan over medium heat. Spray pan with cooking spray or melt a small amount of butter in a pan and heat until a drop of water sizzles across the surface.

Ladle 1/4 cup batter into the pan, swirling the pan so that the batter covers the pan thinly and evenly. Cook crêpe until edges turn brown about 15 seconds. Flip crêpe using the Saucy Silicone Spatula. Continue cooking another 10-15 seconds. Remove from the pan onto a warm plate.


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