Cooking With Seeds~~Announcing A New Event

After guest hosting few events, i was planning to start an event based with seeds, coz my cooking never been completed without seeds, i cant imagine my pantry without coriander seeds,poppy seeds, cumin,peppercorns etc..So our Indian cuisine is always basically prepared with seeds, thats why am here with an event called 'Cooking With Seeds'.

Many seeds are edible and the majority human calories comes from seeds especially from cereals, legumes and nuts..Seeds also provide most of the cooking oil, many beverages, spices etc...Edible seeds can be beans or legumes, cereals or grains, nuts and gymnosperms (nut like seeds but not flowers or fruits)...

So we have a huge choice of seeds to cook and enjoy our food na!! voila i want to announce a new event to cook beautiful dishes based with seeds..For this month i choosed a seed which can be either yellowish, black and used in breads, stir fries, pastries very common in Jewish, Chinese and Middle Easter dishes..

This month seed is gonna be the famous 'Sesame Seeds', which is probably a oldest crop grown for its tastes dating back 2000years to China..Sesame seeds was imported from India to Europe during the first centry and the Persians used sesame oil as before they start using olive oil..Sesame seeds contains sesamin and sesamolin substance that is believed to prevent high blood pressure and a good source of vitamin E which helps to strengthen the heart and nervous system..Half cup of sesame seeds contains 3 times more calcium in a half cup of whole milk..

You need to do:

1)Cook anything with sesame seeds, both vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes are accepted from today to 5th february 2010..

2)Post as many dishes as u can in your blog from today onwards..many entries per person are allowed..

3)Link back ur entry to this Cooking With Seeds announcement page..

4)If u have any interesting tips its will be so useful, dont forget to send..

5)I'll accept the old entries, if they are reposted with this page link..

6)Using Logo is very much appreciated..

7)Email me to with subject as Cooking With Seeds with following details:
Your Name:
Blog's Name:
Recipe Name:
Recipe Url/Link:
Picture of the dish:

Please take care to send all ur delicious entries before 5th February 2010..

8) If u dont have blog, no problem..pls do send ur entries to the above mail address, i'll include them while doing the roundup..

Interested for hosting:
To host this event from next month onwards, send me an email to the above email id or a comment in this page, hope to see my blogger friends join their hands with me to host this beautiful event..

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