Bubba’s Homemade Summer Sausage

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Bubba has done it again!

I posted Alice’s (my MIL) summer sausage recipe back on February 16th and I just have to post the updated version of it now.

Bubba has been working on this recipe for a while now ~ he has tweaked it way up several notches into an amazingly delicious spicy sausage.  You may remember how he loves hot spicy food but, this one does not have as much heat as the others.  (See Bubba’s recipes on the right side-bar under “labels.”)  This summer sausage is pungent with all the garlic powder and mustard seed ~ it will keep those vampires at bay.

 Bubba, 1971, almost 3 years old

It looks like it might be a lot of work as it’s spread out over so many days but, it’s not!  It just requires a little mixing each day with a long oven time on the final day.  And then you have it, freshly made summer sausage from YOUR very own kitchen.  It’s a wonderful thing!

If you enjoy summer sausage and have never tried making it yourself, you must make this!  I guarantee you will not be buying it from a store again!  It’s that delicious!!!

Bubba’s Summer Sausage


4.25 pounds ground beef ~ 80%
4 tablespoons Morton Tender Quick Cure
1 tablespoon, mustard seed, mounded
3 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper
3 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoon Liquid Smoke (hickory)
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder


Mix all ingredients with your hands thoroughly, even knead it like bread.
Cover and refrigerate.

For each of the next 4 days, prior to baking, knead until meat starts to warm up, about 10 minutes.

Day 2:  Knead and refrigerate.

Day 3:  Knead and refrigerate.

Day 4:  Knead again and refrigerate.

Day 5:  Divide into 4 logs and place on broiler pan.
Bake at 180 degrees for 9 hours, turning every couple of hours.
Meat will appear red when fully cooked.
Transfer sausages onto a wire rack over a pan to drain excess fat.
Place in refrigerator until cool.
Slice and serve.

Give this a try ~ it’s the best!

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    # by Anonymous - June 17, 2015 at 11:30 PM

    Your photo looks like "real" summer sausage, but what in the ingredients list makes it have the white specks in the meat?

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